Here are my instagram pictures from week 2 of 30 days of gratitude, follow me at aprilmn.  I would love for you to join me whether you are taking pictures or writing something down you are grateful for each day!  It is never too late to start 🙂

I am so grateful that Mason and Lily took a nap so I could take one too!  For that matter I am grateful any day Lily takes a nap, those days are becoming few and far between.

I am grateful for this bug in my tummy doing flips and giving me high fives.  I love this part of pregnancy and I am glad I have been feeling well and we get to add to our family in a few months.

I am grateful that I get to watch my friends little baby a few times a week.  It is so nice having a sweet little baby in the house.  It is great practice for Mason and Lily for when our new baby comes.

I am grateful for the beautiful weather we have been having, I love the fall.

I am grateful for my two, loving, creative crazy kids!

I am grateful for this beautiful place that I live.


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