The more births I do the more I say, oh this was my favorite birth I have been too! But really they are all my favorite and all for different reasons. And baby A’s birth was my favorite! Not only were they some of the kindest people I have ever met, they were so loving and sweet to each other. Birthing a baby is hard work, especially when it is your first! But this mama powered through, working hard and staying positive with the help of her wonderful doula Rosy!

So here is a little glimpse of their day, their love, and of course their beautiful little creation.

Just a note, I always get permission from parents before sharing images. And that looks different for each client. Here is a tiny little peek of their day. If you are interested in birth photography please send me an email and I can get you more info 🙂

Doula: Rosy Mulligan

doula and dad have hands on laboring mom in albany ny hospital
black and white image of doula taking care of laboring mom in hospital
black and white of laboring mom holding husband
laboring mom laying on hospital bed in floral gown
mom in labor holding her belly with floral gown, doula and husband supporting her
black and white image of man and woman hands holding
woman foot peeking out at end of hospital bed during labor
mom laboring in blue birthing tub husbands hand on her shoulder
black and white image behind woman in birthing tub in albany ny
doula talking to laboring mom with arms around her back
moms foot in focus while pushing during labor at hospital
a baby boy just born with umbilical cord wrapped around his leg and some blood and meconium
newborn baby foot peeking out under blanket next too surgical scissors for umbilical chord
newborn boy with one eye open and hat on his moms chest right after his birth
newborn baby at hospital with hat nursing for the first time
black and white close up of mom holding newborn baby foot
close up of newborn baby boy hair and ear on moms chest
newborn exam done by nurse at st peters hospital
newborn baby boy getting weighed after his hospital birth
baby boy wearing hospital hat in newborn warmer in albany ny
baby boy getting footprints as part of his newborn exam in albany ny
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